School seems like it has been around for forever. At least that's what millennials think, ever since they were turned Preschool age they have been going to school. Day in and Day out students go through the same routine. They wake up and go to school, come home and repeat the process the next day. Additionally, the letter grading system has become ingrained into our very culture. Its common knowledge to know that an "A" is good and and "F" is bad. How did letter grades start? Why don't we have an E? Some things become such common knowledge that they are never given a second thought to why they work the way that they do. Well here's to changing that---What is the history of letter grades. In the beginning of the 1800's education was starting in the newly formed United States of America. The education at this time period was very limited, most classes had one teacher and a mix of all ages and backgrounds for the students. The education was focused o...
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