
Showing posts from August, 2017

How does a True Mastery-Grading System work?

1. Brief Overview  Mastery based learning is a system that helps students become proficient in the various subjects in school. The system achieves this by focusing on mastering various learning objectives set by the teacher or administration. The main purpose of mastery learning is to emphasis practice, persistence, and the opportunity for all students to succeed. In a true mastery based learning style, grades such as A, B, C, D, and F are not included in the report cards, but the report cards instead focus on what principles the students did or didn’t master. This style has recently been being pushed by famous educators including Sal Khan, an educator with his own mastery based online school. Khan mentioned this approach in a recent TED talk titled “Lets Teach for Mastery, Not Test Scores.” Mastery based learning has a lot of benefits, and provides ways for students to learn to their full potential. 2. How Students Advance? Interestingly enough the whole education system would

Essay on Mastery Learning

Derek Schetselaar Dr. Smith English 2010 31 July 2017 Are Grades Failing Us? John F. Kennedy once said “Our progress as a nation can be no swifter than our progress in education. The human mind is our fundamental resource.” ( Satyamsuarezdash) Education has been a huge part of society ever since the beginning of time. It causes us to think about famous educators like Aristotle, Plato, Ann Sullivan, Einstein and many others, these great teachers changed aspects and thinking in their societies. As JFK said education has a profound effect on the progress of the nation. It’s interesting to think about how the United States is such a powerhouse by the world, yet has a sub-par education system compared to the rest of the world. Although it’s a controversial debate where exactly the United States education program falls in comparison to the world, one study that focused on measuring 15-year old’s in 72 countries in math, reading and science---said that the United States did not ran